Il-Kampanja Agħtihom Tama hija ċelebrazzjoni inklużiva u ta 'ispirazzjoni tad-diversità; Inizjattiva video onlajn biex tħeġġeġ u tgħolli lil dawk li jħossuhom emarġinati, iżolati jew limitati bit-tikketti. Aħna jeżistu biex inwasslu t-tama lil dawk li l-aktar jeħtiġuha u jagħmlu hekk billi naqsmu l-istejjer tagħna. Il-kampanja twaqqfet minn David E Hull-Watters fil-bidu tal-2011 u kibret, bl-appoġġ ta ’bosta cheerleaders internazzjonali u parteċipanti proattivi. • Rebbieħ ta 'Premju Nazzjonali tad-Diversità 2014 (Organizzazzjoni tal-Komunità - Multi-Strand) • Nominjat għal lista Elettronika għall-Premju Ewropew tad-Diversità 2015GEH inkluda stejjer bil-miktub ta' HOPE minn dawk li ħelsu lilhom infushom milli jillimitaw it-tikketti u li issa jistgħu jiċċelebraw l-individwalità tagħhom.GEH hija ukoll in-netwerk ta 'appoġġ għall-familja ħaj li jiffjorixxi fuq facebook. Kemm il-grupp kif ukoll il-paġna ta 'aħwa huma mgħammra minn tim internazzjonali ta' amministraturi ta 'kompassjoni, ta' sfondi differenti, li jipprovdu appoġġ u gwida mingħajr paragun. Links tal-Midja Soċjali: GEH Facebook GroupGEH Facebook PageGEH InstagramYouTubeTwitter Il-Vuċi Tiegħek Valur - Ibgħatilna l-istorja tiegħek u tagħmel differenza għall-ħajja ta 'dawk li jisimgħuha. Ladarba ħolqot il-vidjow tiegħek għall-Kampanja Agħti Tama, tista 'tibgħatha hawn permezz ta' Dropbox billi tuża din il-link
What do you do to take care of your wellbeing?
World WellBeing Week is back for its fifth year in June 2023, offering a global platform for individuals to commemorate the diverse facets of wellbeing. This event highlights the significance of various aspects of wellbeing, including fulfilling work, financial stability, physical, mental, and emotional health, social resilience, empathetic corporate and civic leadership, community relations, and environmental care. In today's world, wellbeing has become more crucial than ever before, impacting both our personal and professional lives.
What do you do to take care of your wellbeing?
#WorldWellBeingWeek #WellbeingMatters #HealthyLiving #MentalHealthAwareness #PhysicalHealth #FinancialStability #SocialResilience #EmpatheticLeadership #CommunityCare #EnvironmentalSustainability #PurposefulWork #GlobalWellbeing
Have you ever heard the metaphor of the lobster slowly boiling in a pot?It's often used to describe a situation where something is happening gradually, but the effects are not immediately noticeable until it's too late. This metaphor can be applied to the insidious way in which the media and government manipulate our perception of human rights, particularly when it comes to the LGBTQ community, ethnic #minorities, #disabled, and #refugees, as well as others (insert your own marginalised community here).We witness it every day - news outlets and politicians slowly chipping away at the rights of marginalised groups, making it seem like it's not a big deal until suddenly, we're living in a world where those rights no longer exist. It's a dangerous game, and one that we must be vigilant against.We must speak out against any attempts to erode the rights of LGBTQ individuals or refugees, or any of those others mentioned and beyond. We must hold our elected officials accountable and demand that they protect the rights of all people, regardless of their background or identity.Let's keep an eye out for the slow boil, and make sure that we're doing everything we can to prevent it from happening. Together, we can create a world where everyone is treated with #dignity and #respect.#HumanRights #LGBTQRights #RefugeeRights #Equality #Justice #SocialJustice #Activism #Awareness #Inclusion #Diversity #Solidarity #FightForRights #SpeakOut #StandUp #TogetherWeCan #StopTheBoil #NoMoreGaslightingDavid E. Hull-WattersInclusion and Wellbeing Consultant
Have you ever heard the metaphor of the lobster slowly boiling in a pot?
It's often used to describe a situation where something is happening gradually, but the effects are not immediately noticeable until it's too late.
This metaphor can be applied to the insidious way in which the media and government manipulate our perception of human rights, particularly when it comes to the LGBTQ community, ethnic #minorities, #disabled, and #refugees, as well as others (insert your own marginalised community here).
We witness it every day - news outlets and politicians slowly chipping away at the rights of marginalised groups, making it seem like it's not a big deal until suddenly, we're living in a world where those rights no longer exist.
It's a dangerous game, and one that we must be vigilant against.
We must speak out against any attempts to erode the rights of LGBTQ individuals or refugees, or any of those others mentioned and beyond.
We must hold our elected officials accountable and demand that they protect the rights of all people, regardless of their background or identity.
Let's keep an eye out for the slow boil, and make sure that we're doing everything we can to prevent it from happening.
Together, we can create a world where everyone is treated with #dignity and #respect.
#HumanRights #LGBTQRights #RefugeeRights #Equality #Justice #SocialJustice #Activism #Awareness #Inclusion #Diversity #Solidarity #FightForRights #SpeakOut #StandUp #TogetherWeCan #StopTheBoil #NoMoreGaslighting
David E. Hull-Watters
Inclusion and Wellbeing Consultant
If you don’t think representation matters, you’re probably well represented.
That is so true. Same as privilege being not seeing anything as a problem when it’s not a problem to you directly.
#RepresentationMatters #Privilege #SocialJustice #Equality #Diversity #Inclusion #Awareness #Intersectionality #Empathy #Perspective #ChangeTheNarrative #StandUpForOthers #ListenAndLearn #OpenMindedness #Fairness #JusticeForAll #EndDiscrimination #SpeakOut #BeTheChange #TogetherWeCan
Today we remember and celebrate Cudjoe Kazoola Lewis, born Oluale Kossola, and also known as Cudjo Lewis, the third to last adult survivor of the Atlantic slave trade between Africa and the United States.
Together with 115 (reports vary on this number, some saying as many as 160) other African captives, he was brought to the United States on board the ship Clotilda in 1860.
Despite the illegal importation of slaves, the final American slave ship docked in Mobile, Alabama in 1860.
Cudjo Lewis was acutely aware of the potential loss of his birth culture as he toiled in this new land.
However, after gaining his freedom, Lewis took action to preserve his heritage.
Using his hard-earned money, Cudjo Lewis purchased two acres of land and established a self-sufficient community for the survivors of the last slave ship.
This community, known as Africatown, aimed to recreate aspects of the West African home from which they had been forcibly removed.
Lewis wanted to ensure that extended families could live together, conversations could be held in regional languages, and traditions that might otherwise have been lost in America could be maintained.
Today, Africatown still stands as a community and continues to house the descendants of those who were brought to America on the nation's last slave ship.
It serves as a testament to the resilience and determination of those who fought to preserve their heritage and maintain a sense of cultural identity in the face of tremendous adversity.
Want to learn more about Cudjo Lewis, then I highly recommend you read Barracoon by Zora Neale Hurston.
There’s also a documentary, Descendant, directed by Margaret Brown, currently showing on Netflix.
#Africatown #CudjoLewis #LastSlaveShip #HeritagePreservation #CulturalIdentity #Resilience #Determination #BlackHistory #WestAfricanCulture #SelfSufficientCommunity #Descendants #MobileAlabama #IllegalImportation #SlaverySurvivors
Today, we celebrate the life and legacy of James Baldwin, a writer, activist, and intellectual who challenged the status quo and spoke truth to power. Baldwin was a leading voice in the civil rights movement, and his essays, novels, and plays explored the complexities of race, sexuality, and identity in America.
Baldwin's work was often controversial and provocative, but it was also deeply humanistic and empathetic. He believed that art and literature had the power to transform society, and he used his platform to advocate for social justice and equality. Baldwin was openly gay at a time when homosexuality was still widely stigmatized, and he wrote about his experiences with honesty and vulnerability.
Today, we honour Baldwin's legacy by continuing to engage with his ideas and his art. We recognize the importance of storytelling and representation in shaping our understanding of ourselves and our world. We also acknowledge the ongoing struggles for racial and LGBTQ+ equality, and we commit ourselves to the work of building a more just and inclusive society. Let us be inspired by Baldwin's courage, wisdom, and compassion, and let us carry his legacy forward. #JamesBaldwin #CivilRights #LGBTQ+ #Representation #SocialJustice #Empathy #Legacy
Wishing you a joyful #NeurodivergentPrideDay!
Let's take a moment to celebrate the progress we've made. Just two decades ago, the terms #Neurodiversity and #Neurodivergent were virtually unknown.
Today, these concepts are being discussed at conferences and in articles all over the world!
As the neurodiversity movement continues to gain momentum, we're able to embrace our unique selves more fully than ever before.
Let's remember that diversity is a strength, and that we're all part of the same inclusion revolution. Here's to radical acceptance and social justice for all. #NeurodiversityPrideDay #inclusion #Belonging #diversity #neurodiversity #mentalhealth #Wellbeing #Autism #dyslexia #dyspraxia #tourettesyndrome #ADD #ADHD
Dearest Eddie/Suzy @eddieizzard - to quote the little known writer, Charles Dickens , “You are in every line I have ever read.”
Apparently it’s from some famous novel, Great Expectations, have you heard of it?
But seriously, you have been a constant light and inspiration in my life and I can’t wait to see you on the 17th. Oh, and I handed a letter into Stage Door. Please take a look and get in touch.
#GreatExpectations #EddieIzzard #NeverBlendIn #pridemonth
Wellbeing at Work
Another great way to promote wellbeing at work is to set boundaries and manage our workload effectively. This means prioritizing tasks, delegating when necessary, and taking breaks when we need them. It's easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of work, but it's important to remember that we're human and we need time to recharge. By setting boundaries and managing our workload, we can reduce stress and prevent burnout. So let's make sure we're taking care of ourselves and each other, and creating a workplace where everyone can thrive! #wellbeingatwork #selfcare #boundaries #workloadmanagement #thriving
Today we celebrate Sylvester James Jr., known simply as Sylvester, an American singer-songwriter who rose to fame in the 1970s and 1980s. He was born on September 6, 1947, in Los Angeles, California, and grew up in a musical family. His mother was a gospel singer, and his father played the piano.
Sylvester began his music career in the late 1960s as a member of the group The Cockettes, a San Francisco-based drag troupe. He quickly became known for his powerful voice and flamboyant stage presence. In 1972, he formed the band Sylvester and the Hot Band, which released several albums and toured extensively.
In 1978, Sylvester signed with Fantasy Records and released his breakthrough album, "Step II," which included the hit singles "You Make Me Feel (Mighty Real)" and "Dance (Disco Heat)." The album was a commercial and critical success, and Sylvester became one of the most popular disco artists of the era.
Throughout the 1980s, Sylvester continued to release albums and tour, but his popularity waned as disco fell out of favor. He also struggled with drug addiction and health issues, including HIV/AIDS. He died on December 16, 1988, at the age of 41.
Sylvester's legacy as a pioneering LGBTQ+ artist and disco icon has continued to grow in the decades since his death. His music has been sampled and covered by numerous artists, and he has been the subject of documentaries and tribute concerts. In 2018, he was posthumously inducted into the San Francisco LGBTQ+ Walk of Fame.
#Sylvester #DiscoIcon #LGBTQ+Artist #MusicLegend #StepII #YouMakeMeFeel #DanceDiscoHeat #TheCockettes #SanFrancisco #FantasyRecords #HIVAIDS #TributeConcerts #WalkOfFame #Biography #Pride
"Disability is the essence of diversity. It runs across race, ethnicity, gender, socioeconomic status, sexual orientation, and it’s the only minority group anyone can join at any time..." - Jonathan J Kaufman
#DisabilityRights #Pride2023 #LGBTQIA #DisabilityInclusion #HumanRights #NothingWithoutUs #Intersectionality
Current AfD propaganda in Munich, reminiscent of 30s Germany and echoing the far right agenda across the globe.
LGBTQPlus people never were a danger to your children but we return to this narrative time and again.
Enough is enough. Let’s focus on the real issues and challenges in the world and stop using already marginalised people as a distraction.
This helps no one.
#TransPanic #lgbtqplus #lgbtqpride #Scapegoat #distractionpropaganda #Munich #Allyship
Hey everyone! Happy Saturday.
I just wanted to take a moment to remind you all about the importance of self-care. It's easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of everyday life, but it's crucial that we take time for ourselves to recharge and rejuvenate.
Whether it's taking a relaxing bath, going for a walk in nature, or simply indulging in your favorite hobby, self-care is essential for our mental and physical well-being. So, don't forget to prioritize yourself and make time for the things that bring you joy and peace.
Remember, you deserve to feel happy and healthy, and self-care is a great way to achieve that. So, take care of yourself, and let's all encourage each other to do the same! ❤️ #selfcare #mentalhealth #wellness #encouragement
The rainbow flag, is the symbol of the LGBTQ community. The flag has six colours, each representing a different aspect of the community: red for life, orange for healing, yellow for sunlight, green for nature, blue for harmony, and purple for spirit.
The rainbow flag was designed by Gilbert Baker, an American artist and gay rights activist, in 1978.
The rainbow flag has since become a widely recognized symbol of LGBTQ+ pride and solidarity, and is flown at pride events and LGBTQ+ organizations around the world.
The Progress Pride Flag is a variation of the traditional rainbow flag that was designed to be more inclusive of the LGBTQ+ community. It was created in 2018 by Daniel Quasar, a graphic designer and activist, and features the original six colors of the rainbow flag, as well as additional colours and symbols.
The Progress Pride Flag includes black and brown stripes to represent people of colour within the LGBTQ+ community, who have often been marginalized and excluded from mainstream LGBTQ+ movements. It also includes the colours pink, blue, and white, which are the colors of the transgender flag, to represent transgender and non-binary individuals.
The arrow shape on the left side of the flag represents progress and forward movement, while the chevron shape on the right side represents unity and solidarity. The flag is meant to be a symbol of the ongoing struggle for LGBTQ+ rights and equality, and a reminder that there is still work to be done to ensure that all members of the community are included and valued.
#LGBTQPlusHistory #PrideFlag #ProgressFlag #Pride #LGBTQPlus
There seems to be so much loss, bereavement and grief these days. Perhaps it's my age and the age of those with whom I'm connected. Now, more than ever, it seems like a good time to post these beautiful words.
When I die
Give what’s left of me away
To children
And old men that wait to die.
And if you need to cry,
Cry for your brother
Walking the street beside you
And when you need me,
Put your arms
Around anyone
And give to them
What you need to give to me.
I want to leave you something,
Something better
Than words
Or sounds.
Look for me
In the people I’ve known
Or loved,
And if you cannot give me away,
At least let me live in your eyes
And not on your mind.
You can love me most
By letting
Hands touch hands
By letting
Bodies touch bodies
And by letting go
Of children
That need to be free.
Love doesn’t die,
People do.
So, when all that’s left of me
Is love,
Give me away
Merrit Malloy
#grief #Bereavement #Loss #Death #Remembrance #Resilience
Florida is F@*ked. Pride was a protest and we need to be fighting back against this and all of the regressive legislation in the state of Florida, the UK and beyond.
We’ve gone back decades and this cannot be tolerated. Complacency facilitates this removal of rights.
Don’t just think this is about LGBTQPlus freedoms. They will also come for you.
I Know Why The Caged Bird Sings was banned many times, and Dr. Angelou responds to that and more in an interview with Oprah:
"...And yet I just read someplace that after a woman had read Caged Bird, she realized she wasn't alone. I think in some cases Caged Bird has saved some lives—not just the quality of life, which is very important, but life itself. I get letters from young women and men, and I am able to say to them, You can survive rape. You never forget it—don't even think that. But you can survive it and go on." Maya Angelou interviewed by Oprah Winfrey.
#DrAngelou95 #CelebrateAngelou95 #Get2KnowAngelou #95AngelouFacts
FromSonny Jane Wise:
“Let’s talk Neurodiversity Affirming Practice.
It is a framework grounded in the neurodiversity paradigm for working with and supporting neurodivergent individuals.
Like any good framework, it needs a set of principles to guide our own practice and to guide others in becoming neurodiversity affirming.
As per my usual fascination and passion for anything to do with the neurodiversity paradigm, I decided to put together a list of principles.
So what are these principles?
💛 intersectionality
🧡 respecting autonomy
💚 validating differences
💙 presuming competence
💜 reframing expectations
🩷 promoting self-advocacy
💛 rejecting neuronormativity
🧡 prioritising lived experience
💚 nurturing positive self-identity
💙 adapting systems & environments
💜 honouring all forms of communication
One of the most important things to know about neurodiversity affirming practice is that it’s about moving away from the pathology paradigm and instead, adopting the neurodiversity paradigm as our lens for understanding and supporting neurodivergent individuals.
Over the next month, I’ll be diving into each principle and what it looks like in practice so stay tuned!
I also provide workshops diving into Neurodiversity Affirming Practice so get in touch if you’re interested in learning more!”
You can find a short description of these principles here:
#Neurodiversity #Neurodivergent #NeurodiversityAffirmingPractice
Just wanted to check in on you. How are you?Are you ok? You know, it’s ok not to be ok. You are never alone, even when you feel that to be the case. Reach out, talk to someone. Things might seem insurmountable but you are resilient and strong. Just look at everything that you’ve overcome so far, thats 💯 success rate!
On the theme of 'anxiety', this year's Mental Health Awareness Week is from 15 to 21 May.
#Anxiety #Resilience #TalkTalkTalk
#MentalHealth #Wellbeing #InclusiveWorkplaces
We’ve had our Mother’s Day in the UK but as it’s different in the US, I want to wish all Mothers and those who take a mothering and parental role a very blessed and happy day.
I am also aware of those who have fractured relationships with family, those who have lost that parent, those who wanted to but were unable to have a child, and those who perhaps never knew their mother, so to those, I hope that today isn’t too difficult and you are surrounded with love from so many others in your life.
#MothersDay #MotheringSunday #Hope #Love #Peace #YouAreLoved
“Hope” is the thing with feathers
“Hope” is the thing with feathers -
That perches in the soul -
And sings the tune without the words -
And never stops - at all -
And sweetest - in the Gale - is heard -
And sore must be the storm -
That could abash the little Bird
That kept so many warm -
I’ve heard it in the chillest land -
And on the strangest Sea -
Yet - never - in Extremity,
It asked a crumb - of me.
#Hope #GiveEmHope #EmilyDickinson #poetrycommunity
I’m excited to be sharing two versions of @pjtaylor_music PJ Taylor’s video tomorrow at 8am - one with subtitles. I’ve only just paid for Subly so will be updating all @giveemhopecampaign GIVE 'EM HOPE CAMPAIGN videos with subtitles to make them even more accessible. I’ll share the links with you all tomorrow!
#lovewhatyoudo #autism #iamwhatiam
#OCD #Neurodiversity #Singer #Songwriter #Musician #CelebrateDiversity
Breaking News: Tomorrow, we, the GIVE 'EM HOPE CAMPAIGN, will be releasing a very special video by singer/songwriter, @pjtaylor_music PJ Taylor. In this video, they talk about #Autism and #OCD. We should all be better informed about neurodiversity and go from awareness, to Allyship and Action.
PJ says, in a recent post, “Cultural views on mental health are changing for the better but there is still a long way to go. I know what it’s like to have doors closed in front of me but I’ve never let it dampen my creative passion. I am proud to play my part in inspiring more positive change in the future. PJ Xx”
#lovewhatyoudo #autism #iamwhatiam
#OCD #Neurodiversity #Singer #Songwriter #Musician #CelebrateDiversity
Happy Lesbian Visibility Week to all visible lesbians and to all who feel they can’t be. I hope that you can find encouragement and inspiration in seeing greater visibility this week and that you will feel more confident to step into your own authentic life. There is love and support there and you will find your chosen family, when you are ready to do so.
#LesbianVisibilityWeek #Pride #BeYou #BeSeen #BeProud #LesbiansOfInstagram
A father and son have a car accident and are both badly hurt.
They are both taken to separate hospitals.
When the boy is taken in for an operation, the doctor says, "I can’t perform the surgery, because this is my son."
How is this possible?
Remember when this used to genuinely confuse people?
The surgeon is the child’s mother, was the original answer, highlighting gender stereotyping and bias.
Today, younger people might just answer "two dads!"
And this, my friends, is what gives me hope.
Even if it doesn’t feel like it, we are moving forward.
The pushback is inevitable, we’ve been here before, but I am hopeful.
#UnconsciousBias #ConsciousInclusion #GenderRoles #GenderBias #Assumptions #Bias #Gender #Misogeny #Expectations #Stereotyping
“Love life. Engage in it. Give it all you've got. Love it with a passion because life truly does give back, many times over, what you put into it.” #MayaAngelou
Today starts the celebration of what would have been Maya Angelou’s 95th year!
#DrAngelou95 #CelebrateAngelou95
What’s your favourite quote from Maya Angelou?
Happy #InternationalWomensDay2023 to all women. And by all, I mean ALL. No exceptions.
#Women #TransWomenAreWomen
Keep being the biggest, boldest, brightest and most brilliant version of yourself and never, EVER, feel the need to be small.
In this, the last day of #LGBTPlusHistoryMonth, we must remind ourselves that our #allyship is needed now, more than ever.
Please do whatever you can to actively stand up, speak up, raise up and support transgender and non-binary people, who are targeted from all corners by the media, government, ill-educated, unjustifiably fearful hateful groups and individuals, when all they are asking is to live without fear and to be able to get on with their lives.
If only people would exert their energy in learning, growing and understanding how diverse this world is, rather than try to deny the existence of those they don’t understand.
#TransRightsAreHumanRights #TransgenderRights #HumanRights #Allyship #transisbeautiful #transactivism #transrights
#transjoy #transisbeautiful #transrights #transvisibility #transactivism #LwiththeT #GWithTheT #transwomenarewomen #TransMenAreMen
#transpride #transprideuk
#trans #intersex #nonbinary #transgender #queer #lgbtqia+
Better to be the Black Sheep.
The so-called black sheep of the #family are, in fact, hunters born of paths of #liberation into the family tree.
The members of a tree who do not conform to the norms or traditions of the family system, those who since childhood have constantly sought to #revolutionise #beliefs, going against the paths marked by family traditions, those #criticised, #judged and even #rejected, these are usually called to free the tree of repetitive stories that frustrate entire generations.
The black sheep, those who do not adapt, those who cry rebelliously, play a basic role within each family system, they repair, pick up and create new and unfold branches in the family tree.
Thanks to these members, our trees renew their roots. Its rebellion is fertile soil, its madness is water that nourishes, its stubbornness is new air, its passion is fire that re-ignites the light of the heart of the ancestors.
Uncountable repressed desires, unfulfilled dreams, the frustrated talents of our ancestors are manifested in the rebelliousness of these black sheep seeking fulfilment. The genealogical tree, by inertia will want to continue to maintain the castrating and toxic course of its trunk, which makes the task of our sheep a difficult and conflicting work.
However, who would bring new flowers to our tree if it were not for them? Who would create new branches? Without them, the unfulfilled dreams of those who support the tree generations ago would die buried beneath their own roots.
Let no one cause you to doubt, take care of your rarity as the most precious flower of your tree.
You are the #dream of all your #ancestors.
- Bert Hellinger
Sharing another great post from Jessica Dark:
Language Matters!
‘She doesn’t look autistic...adhd...enter neurodivergence here’ being one of the most over used ignorant comments heard repeatedly by parents of neurodivergent kids and neurodivergent adults alike.
Please be mindful when commenting on neurodivergence and associated behaviours. Well intentioned comments can be upsetting and rude.
Supporting and Celebrating Neurodiversity,
Jess x x
Artwork by talented artist and author Courtney M. Privett (Author)
#Neuroinclusion #neurodiversity #InclusiveLanguage #Inclusion #ADHD #Autism #WordsMatter
Via @mygenderation
Here's a list of vigils in the UK to mourn Brianna Ghey. RIP.
Please consider donating to this fundraiser if you can
16 February
Cardiff: 7pm, Tree of Life (Gorsedd Gardens)
Chatham: 6pm, Nucleus Arts (Chatham High Street)
Glasgow: 7pm, George Square
Sheffield: 8pm, Peace Gardens
17 February
Birmingham: 6:30pm, outside the Hippodrome Theatre
Chester: 7pm, Pride Rainbow Tearooms
Edinburgh: 12pm, Bristo Square
Nottingham: 7pm, Brian Clough Statue
Southampton: 6pm, The Peace Fountain
York: 6pm, St Helen’s Square
18 February
Derby: 5:30pm, The Spot (Derby City Centre)
Hull: 3pm, Queen Victoria Square
Leeds: 3pm, Park Square
London: 3pm, Soho Square
Newcastle: 6pm, Times Square
Reading: 7pm, Forbury Gardens
19 February
Lincoln: 6pm, Speaker’s Corner (Lincoln High St, near Santander)
Norwich: 1pm, City Hall
Oxford: 6pm, Radcliffe Square
Plymouth: 5pm, New George Street (Sundial)
#transrightsarehumanrights #transisbeautiful #transactivism #transrights
#transjoy #transisbeautiful #transrights #transrightsarehumanrights #transvisibility #transactivism #LwiththeT #transwomenarewomen
#transpride #transprideuk
#trans #intersex #nonbinary #transgender #queer #lgbtqia+
In remembrance of all who lost their lives, and to those who survived after great person tragedy.
History must not be repeated.
International Holocaust Remembrance Day
An estimated 65 percent of gay men in concentration camps died between 1933 and 1945. Even after World War II, both East and West Germany upheld the country’s anti-gay law, and many gays remained incarcerated until the early 1970s. (The law was not officially repealed until 1994.)
Thank you @chriseubankjr #Allyship #LGBTQ “We don’t discriminate… we don’t alienate. We want boxing & sport as a whole, to be all inclusive.” #NoPlaceForHate #InclusionInSport
Sunday, 22 January
Happy Chinese New Year 2023!
Year of the Rabbit 🐇
#ChineseNewYear #YearOfTheRabbit #HappyChineseNewYear
Chinese New Year 2023 falls on Sunday, January 22nd, 2023, and celebrations culminate with the Lantern Festival on February 5th, 2023.
Celebrations last up to 16 days, but only the first 7 days are considered a public holiday (January 22nd–January 29th, 2023).
Chinese New Year marks the transition between zodiac signs: 2023 is the Year of the #Rabbit; 2022 the Year of the #Tiger
Chag Urim Sameach!
Hanukkah (or Chanukah) begins at sundown on Sunday, December 18, 2022, and ends the evening of Monday, December 26, 2022 (8 nights).
Hanukkah is also known as the Festival of Lights. Urim (pronounced “oo-reem”) is Hebrew for "lights," so chag urim sameach equates to wishing someone a “happy Festival of Lights.”
Transgender Day of Remembrance 2022
People are not attacked or killed because they are transgender, they are attacked or killed because of someone’s irrational, hateful, vicious response to knowing or believing that the person is transgender.
#TDOR #TransgenderDayOfRembrance
Happy Diwali & Bhandi Chor Diwas to all.
Wishing everyone celebrating, a very happy, calm, and peaceful time this Festival of Lights.🪔
#DiwaliCelebrations2022 #Diwali2022
If you want to support your Jewish friends & colleagues, please be mindful of the time they might be taking off in observance of upcoming holidays.
#inclusion #culture #Leadership #RoshHashana #YomKippur #Sukkot #SheminiAtzeret #SimchatTorah #JewishHolidays
The greatest gift that you can give to yourself and to the world is your authenticity.
David Hull-Watters
#Inclusion #Authenticity #OneLife #Belonging #LiveYourTruth #DoYou #Diversity
Disappointed that @beyonce has used the word “spazz” on her new album. In doing so, she has caused offence to many.
#AbleistLanguage is hurtful and exclusionary.
#BeKind #Beyonce #ChooseWordsWisely
I’ve been sitting on this for a few weeks since I’ve been busy with all sorts of other inclusion work but I’m excited to announce that we have a very special @giveemhopecampaign video from @paul_stevenson_official, an absolute hero of mine and Tourette’s advocate who has made an immeasurable difference with his proactive approach to tackling stigma and raising awareness. I plan to make the video available on 1 August 2022. Be sure to watch, like and share it widely.
#neurodiversity #TourettesAwareness #Hope #GeniusWithin
Happy 50th Pride Anniversary, to all in London who are marking the day in whatever way.
We’ve come a long way but still have some way to go to ensure that the progress made is retained and further progress takes place.
Be vigilant, be proud and show up for those in our community who need you.
#TransRightsAreHumanRights #LGBWithTheT #BanConversionTherapy #GRA #pride2022 #LondonPride #StrongerTogether
It's #WorldWellbeingWeek 2022 & whilst we may be feeling especially helpless at the moment, we can be resilient & carry on, but first we must rest and replenish.
Your first priority is you, so take time to focus on what your body & mind need right now.
#MentalHealth #Wellbeing
Social Media can be isolating and anything but social sometimes.
But it can also help us connect with people.
This #LonelinessAwarenessWeek let's focus on connection 👇
Try leaving a positive comment on someone's post.
You could make their day and help them feel less alone 💙
#BeKind #SpreadJoy #Loneliness #Community #MentalHealthMatters
Honouring George Floyd on the anniversary of his death. What have we learned? Where are we now? Honestly want to know if we have made any progress at all. It doesn’t feel that way. #GeorgeFloyd #BLM #BlackLivesStillMatter
#TourettesAwarenessMonth 15th May until 15th June 2022
No awareness without acceptance
#tourettesyndrome #endthestigma
#ThisIsTourettes #ItsNotWhatYouThink
While there is very little funding from the UK Government for Tourette Syndrome across parts of the UK.
We have the most Amazing support groups and associations, that go above and beyond to support its members and creating positive awareness, acceptance, and breaking down Stigma surrounding this complex neurological condition.
Your voice is invaluable.
Will you share a video with the Campaign!?
Once you have created your video, you can send it here via Dropbox using this link:
#CelebrateDiversity #Equality #Inclusion #StrongerTogether #inspirational #Hope
Find out more about us here:
#DAW2022 I’ll never regret learning #BSL #BritishSignLanguage because it gives me the opportunity to talk to even more people! And I like to talk! Shouldn’t we all learn #BSL or the signed language of our country of residence? #DeafAwarenessWeek
We are not alone. Here's the list of the #LGBT+ and associated groups who have pulled out of the UK Government-led Safe To Be Me conference This backlash is due to the UK Government's decision to exclude #trans people in its planned conversion therapy ban #SafeToBeMe2022
A ban isn’t a ban when some are excluded from it. Conversion “Therapy” is torture and the #Tories sanction this for out Trans Siblings.
#banconversiontherapy #LGBWithTheT always. #TransRightsAreHumanRights #TransIsBeautiful
Image via @transactualuk
Is it really safe to be me under a Tory government? Today is #TDOV and I worry about the future for our vulnerable young people who are navigating their identity in this toxic political climate.
To all our #trans siblings, we see you and we love you.
This #TDOV and on every other day, we send you love, respect, hugs, and a reminder that you have our undying support.
#TransIsBeautiful #TransDayOfVisibility
#AutismAcceptanceWeek can be triggering for some #ActuallyAutistic people. What we need is #awareness and #action so that our world is #inclusive #biasfree and that everyone feels that they belong. #CelebrateNeurodiversity
#NeurodiversityCelebrationWeek is a great opportunity to raise awareness of the many strengths and skills that a neurodiverse workforce can bring to an organisation and to harness the potential of all employees.
#Autism #dyslexia #dyspraxia #tourettesyndrome #ADD #ADHD #DCD
#NeurodiversityCelebrationWeek is a great opportunity to raise awareness of the many strengths and skills that a neurodiverse workforce can bring to an organisation and to harness the potential of all employees. It’s encouraging to see more companies that are ready to have these important conversations. We’ve some way to go but we are moving in the right direction.
#Autism #aspergers #dyslexia #dyspraxia #tourettesyndrome #ADD #ADHD #DLD #Dyscalculia #neurodiversity
Rock your socks 🧦 and pledge to make this world more inclusive today and everyday.
#WorldDownSyndromeDay #WDSD22 #DownSyndrome #Inclusion #CelebrateDiversity
#NazaninIsFree It should never have taken so long but she is finally free.
Nazanin’s plane took off from Oman just over 90 minutes ago and she’s due to arrive in the UK this evening, around midnight.
Here she is on the plane - the final step in what has been a six year long ordeal for her and her family.
With love, respect and gratitude to our wonderful sisters here on #InternationalWomensDay
Thank you for all that you’ve done and continue to do for our hopeful family.
"Each time a woman stands up for herself, without knowing it possibly, without claiming it, she stands up for all women."
Maya Angelou
We must all play our part in creating a culture where the women we work with can thrive.
This #InternationalWomensDay, pledge to raise awareness of discrimination and #BreakTheBias.
14 #Microaggressions LGBTQ People Deal With All The Time:
1. Assuming one partner is the “man” and the other is the “woman” in queer relationships.
2. Referring to being LGBTQ as a “choice” or “lifestyle.”
3. Asking invasive questions about someone’s body like, “What parts do you have down there?”
4. Telling someone that they don’t “look non-binary.”
5. Expecting a gay person to have a certain personality or interests based on stereotypes.
6. Asking a trans person when they’re having “the surgery.”
7. Assuming a queer person can’t relate to straight people.
8. Asking a lesbian how they have sex.
9. Refusing to use gender-neutral pronouns because it’s “too hard” or “grammatically incorrect.”
10. Asking a person if they have a boyfriend/girlfriend/husband/wife based on their gender expression.
11. Thinking you can “turn” a person straight.
12. Excluding an LGBTQ person’s partner from family activities.
13. Speaking on behalf of LGBTQ people without letting them have a voice in the room.
14. Asking someone you just met to share their coming out story or sexual history.
I’m sure that you can think of others, so please post these in the comments.
#LGBT #MicroAggressions #UnconsciousBias #MicroBehaviours
Polite reminder to never judge the citizens of a country based upon the actions of their leaders.
Glass houses and all that! #Trump #Boris
Treat everyone with #kindness
Take the side of #humanity and #decency at all times.
Photograph from the Washington Post of Juliana Kuznetsova and her fiance.
Happy Valentine’s Day to all of our @giveemhopecampaign family.
Love is all that matters in the end and that begins with love of self.
You are valuable and you are loved.
#EqualLove #LoveIsLove #ValentinesDay #YouMatterAlways
Failure is an illusion. So long as you keep trying, you have not failed.
Setbacks are the stepping stones to SUCCESS!
David E Watters @inclusion_consultant
#GrowthMindset #PositiveVibes #Success #InspirationalQuotes
Today is Time to Talk Day! How will you start a conversation about mental health? #timetotalk
Talking about mental health isn't:
🔷 Shameful.
🔷 Attention seeking.
🔷 Something you need to apologise for.
It's powerful. It's honest. It can change lives.
It's #TimeToTalk Day today.
Join the conversation.
No one exists in isolation and we must all be united against any injustices.
Our voices are getting stronger and the backlash is inevitable but together we can remain strong and be the change for those who come after us.
It’s exhausting but empowering.
I always focus on the positive people, the allies, the amazing people in our community who refuse to be silenced and know that change will come.
#inspireothers #Hope #Creativity #Equality #Diversity #Inclusion #HumanRights #TransRights #BLM #disabilityawareness #lgbt
With the current Tories, “Safe to be Me” conference is a joke and should be boycotted. #GRA and #ConversionTherapy “consultations” are two examples of how little we are respected and the dithering only makes us more unsafe. #LGBTplus #HumanRights
From Paul Bloomer’s Twitter:
It's #HolocaustMemorialDay Dr Allport studied what led to the Holocaust & gave us Allport's scale. It shows that what starts with words can grow into hostility & that can turn into unimaginable human suffering. We must learn from the past and make sure there is #NoPlaceForHate.
History must not be repeated.
International Holocaust Remembrance Day
An estimated 65 percent of gay men in concentration camps died between 1933 and 1945. Even after World War II, both East and West Germany upheld the country’s anti-gay law, and many gays remained incarcerated until the early 1970s. (The law was not officially repealed until 1994.)
#HolocaustMemorialDay #HolocaustRemembranceDay
On Friday, Parliament will be debating whether or not to make BSL a legally recognised language.
Can you believe it isn’t already recognised? No, neither can I!
Just two days left to contact your local MP and ask them to support #BSLActNow!
Let’s make this happen!
#SignTheBill #BSLBill #BSLActNow #BSL #BritishSignLanguage
On being the best version of yourself:
“Bob turns up with a smile and a wave. And he doesn’t turn up on his own. He brings his team...Scoop, Muck, Dizzy, Wendy, Roly and Spud. And they sing and dance their way through every episode. And when the going gets tough, Bob doesn’t jack it in and grumble off to the pub. Bob remains cheerful in a crisis and he shouts to his team, ‘Can we fix it?’
And, here’s the best bit – his team shouts back, ‘Yes we can!”
Excerpt From
The Art of Being Brilliant
Andy Cope @drhappychappy
#bestself #inspirationalquotes #selfbelief #positiveattitude
#February is #LGBTplusHM (#LGBT+ History Month), a time for employers to highlight the benefits of LGBT+ inclusion at work.
Learn how to be an ally from @inclusion_consultant directly or via @championsspeakers & @enei___
#Equality #Diversity #Inclusion
#10YearChallenge accepted by @giveemhopecampaign - from our first video by founder @inclusion_consultant to our latest by Andreena Leeanne @Survivor.Andreena.Leeanne @PoetryLGBT
Add your invaluable voice to this #inclusive campaign by following the link in our biography.
#inspireothers #Hope #Creativity #Equality #Diversity #Inclusion
A little later than expected, due to my Mac being awful, but I have a new one and can finally announce that your New Year’s treat will be a very special video from @Survivor.Andreena.Leeanne @PoetryLGBT
Happiness - Andreena Leeanne will premiere with @giveemhopecampaign this New Year’s Eve and there’s no better way to end the year and begin the next!
#poetry #LGBT #Charred #Creativity #Inspiration #Happiness
It’s been a long time coming but a new @theukulady & @big_peaches video for @giveemhopecampaign will be premiering on New Years Day.
Is there a better way to start 2022? I think not! #inspireothers
#Hope #Creativity #Equality #Diversity #Inclusion #NewMusic
@giveemhopecampaign and @inclusion_consultant are saddened to learn about the passing of the incomparable April Ashley; a tireless campaigner for transgender equality, and a role model to many.
#aprilashley #transgender #RoleModel #RestInPower
Hello hopeful family! As we approach a new year, I’m excited to finally be able to share some new campaign videos with you.
These were created by 3 incredibly talented and wonderful people some time ago and I’ve finally managed, with the help of my new MacBook, to edit them (which really only means that I’ve added our logo and their names!).
Expect to see Benedict Garrett’s “Pecs & Politics”, Steve Austin’s “Bent” and Thessaly Lerner’s “Super Suit” (a creative collaboration with big.peaches), very soon.
@benedictgarrett @theukuladyshorts
#inspireothers #Hope #Creativity #Equality #Diversity #Inclusion #NewMusic
It was such a privilege to facilitate discussions around supporting bereaved and grieving colleagues and I hope that many more organisations will embrace the need to hold these conversations in 2022.
@championsspeakers @allamericanentertainment
Supporting Bereaved Colleagues in the Workplace Webinar from @inclusion_consultant
During the holiday season, there can be additional emotional challenges for those of us who have experienced #bereavement.
Regardless of cultural or faith background, significant #festive events can augment the experience of loss.
We all have a duty to participate in building an open, compassionate culture to support staff who are grieving, have caring responsibilities or who have a loved one facing a life-limiting illness.
We will:
• Define #grief
• Look at #strategies for managing grief
• Share the #challenges about discussing bereavement and grief
• Explore the various cultural and religious responses to #death and #dying
• Develop an awareness of differing #cultural sensitivities.
• Consider the particular challenges we face as a result of the #pandemic?
• Evaluate some Top Tips; 10 Key Principles and The COWORKER acrostic
• Suggest ways to help someone with grief
• Know where to find further support
We can only see ourselves through complex emotions relating to our sense of self. #beauty #beautiful #selflove #selfbelief #selfacceptancejourney #confidence #positveaffirmations
It’s so hard to see what others see. We must only accept their compliments and reconcile these with our own perceptions. #beauty #beautiful #selflove #selfbelief #selfacceptancejourney #confidence #positveaffirmations
You are beautiful but more importantly, a beautiful person, whose worth is beyond anything physical. You are more than you possibly believe yourself to be. #beauty #beautiful #selflove #selfbelief #selfacceptancejourney #confidence #positveaffirmations
I shared this with a friend today but it relates to all of us, I think:
It’s so hard to see what others see. We must only accept their compliments and reconcile these with our own perceptions. We can only see ourselves through complex emotions relating to our sense of self. You are beautiful but more importantly, a beautiful person, whose worth is beyond anything physical. You are more than you possibly believe yourself to be.
#beauty #beautiful #selflove #selfbelief #selfacceptancejourney #confidence #positveaffirmations
Not all humans have the same rights, so on this #HumanRightsDay make a pledge to do something, no matter how small, to make a difference.
Celebrate #Diversity Work towards #Inclusion and let’s see a world where #Equality is a reality.
As we reach the end of another week, this is my message to you!
And remember that, “A smooth sea never made a skilled mariner.”
English proverb
#StayHopeful #youcandoit
Via Professor Amanda Kirby:
Do you know that:
1 in 3 people with #ADHD have #DCD/#Dyspraxia traits
Around 1 in 2 people with #Tourette's syndrome have ADHD traits
More than 4 /5 people with #ASC/ASD have ADHD traits
More than 1 in 5 people with #Dyslexia have #ADHD traits
1 in 3 people with #DLD have #DCD
DLD and Dyslexia often overlap
Between 1 in 2 and 1 in 4 children with ADHD have ASC
People are not in siloes - services are!
Let's embrace #neurodiversity and not waste time with parents, and adults wandering from place to place being seen in parts and not as a whole.
Support needs to be person-centred and sound universal design principles can save time and heartache.
Poetry for #WorldAIDSDay
This poem was written many years ago and is in fact 2 poems pasted together. I wanted to write about loss and saw that my original poem about World War One complemented my later poem about Michael.
This is for everyone who has felt loss and especially is in remembrance of those families who have suffered unnecessary and senseless loss.
"Michael Talking" - David E Hull-Watters
Desperate to discover
a way to live longer,
Some… method of existing
to keep us alive,
I don’t have the answer,
I’m a “long-term survivor”,
Maybe, my friend, there is no answer,
See, what I do works for me,
To begin with
I’ve steered clear of AZT,
They wanted to test some new drug on me…
Basically, I view this whole thing as a war
with constant battles to be fought,
I’ve seen many friends die,
whom, if it weren’t for medication,
may still be alive,
Like cattle they followed,
They slipped and they swallowed
the mud,
With a thud they dropped down to the ground
and were dead,
They were dead like the rest.
It’s a war,
I’m a moving target
dodging enemy fire,
Always fearful,
Not quite concealed
from the approaching sniper,
This is my answer,
If you still need an answer,
Run, stumble, crawl till you can’t anymore.
Worse than the recycled #Christmas ads is the recycled #homophobia of the #Tories
Their #transphobia is a distraction from their failings on so many fronts and is unethical, immoral and dangerous.
#GWithTheT #CisWithTheT
#TransWomenAreWomen #TransMenAreMen #Shameful
UK Disability History Month is now in its 12th Year.
UK Disability History Month 2021 is from 18th November till 18th December
The Joint themes in 2021 are:
* Disability and Hidden Impairments
* Disability, Sex and Relationships
Our aim has always been to:
* Celebrate our Lives as Disabled People now and in the past
* Challenge Disabilism by exploring our oppression over time and now
* Achieve Equality