Your leader, for this discussion, will be the person who had most hours sleep last night!
The leader will select a speaker to share a summary of what has been discussed.
Discuss insider and outsider dynamics within theatre; from Shakespeare to Sondheim.
Consider the arrival of the outsider who changes the place they arrive in and then goes on their way. Or the outsider who finds their place at the heart of society. Or the outsider who tragically always remains an outsider. I’d venture 80% of all drama has one of these tropes.
What is the role of the outsider in drama?
Who are the outsiders in your current show, or a past show, and what is their impact on the story?
How does the outsider affect the dominant group within the story?
What admirable qualities does the outsider demonstrate?
Inclusion & Wellbeing Consultant David Equality Hull-Watters