Inclusive Language and Communication

Activity One: Celebrating Good Practice


  1. The person whose first name comes first alphabetically will be the leader

2. The leader will decide on a speaker who will feedback to the whole group, when we return to the Main Room. There is no pressure to be the speaker, so please choose another colleague, if you prefer not to take on this role.

3. Your leader will guide you through the questions below.

4. Please make sure that all voices are heard

Team 1 (those in Room 1):

What does the term Inclusive Language mean to each person?

What do our teams and the wider organisation already do well?

What could we do but could do better, for our language to be more inclusive?

Team 2 (those in Room 2):

What does the term Inclusive Communication mean to each person?

What do our teams and the wider organisation already do well?

What could we do but could do better, for our internal and external communication to be more inclusive?

Activity Two: Confidential Paired Discussion

Discuss with your partner:

Have you heard people using language that excludes or offends you or another person?

How did it make you feel?

What was done, or should have been done?

What was the outcome?

Note: This can be within a work or social situation 

Activity Three: Instead of This - Collaborative Activity 


Add alternative inclusive words/phrases.

Reflect upon how these examples relate to the Principles of Inclusive Language below.

1.The person born in the earliest month of the year will be the leader. They will read through given words/phrases and ask the team to suggest alternatives.

2. Consider the concepts and thinking behind each suggested answer.

3. Please make sure that all voices are heard

Activity Four: Additional Instead of This - Collaborative Activity 


  1. The person who lives furthest from their city of birth will be the leader

2. The leader will decide on a speaker who will feedback to the whole group, when we return to the Main Room. There is no pressure to be the speaker, so please choose another colleague, if you prefer not to take on this role.

3. Please make sure that all voices are heard

Designated characteristic for each room:

Room 1: Disability

Room 2: Sex and Gender

Room 3: Race, Ethnicity and Nationality

Specific Protected Characteristic guidance is below each table.

Room 1: Disability

Room 2: Sex and Gender

Room 3: Race, Ethnicity and Nationality

Activity Five: Micro-aggressions

Let’s explore the hidden messages within a selection of Protected Characteristics Case Studies and consider the impact of Micro-behaviours.


  1. The person who was born in the latest month of the year will be the leader

2. Leader, guide your team through a discussion about the hidden messages and impact of the 3 Micro-aggression examples below.

3. Please make sure that all voices are heard

A speaker isn't needed for this activity.

Activity Six: Additional Breakout - Micro-aggressions Discussion


Leader, facilitate an open discussion on the questions below.

This activity is completely confidential and won't be shared on our return to the Main Room.

Share examples of micro aggressions that you have experienced or witnessed.

Discuss the impact on those involved.

And explore any action that was or should have been taken.

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