Discussion Topics

The Benefits and Challenges of Inclusion

  1. The person who woke up earliest this morning will be the facilitator
  2. The facilitator will decide on a speaker who will feedback to the whole group, when we return to the Main Room
  3. Please make sure that all voices are heard
  4. Remember that this is a safe, supportive and nurturing space where we can share our thoughts candidly without fear of judgement
  • Explore the benefits and practicalities of recruiting and retaining a diverse workforce. 



Agree or disagree with each of the following statements.

Creating a more inclusive workplace: 
  1. Highlights the employer's commitment to diversity and inclusion
  2. Reduces stigma around differences
  3. Increases understanding, empathy, compassion and support within teams
  4. Creates an environment where staff feel supported and able to discuss any issues or request reasonable adjustments
  5. Opens the organisation up to a pool of talent that may otherwise have been overlooked
  6. Has a beneficial financial impact
  7. Enhances general workplace well-being
  8. Increases productivity and creativity from staff
  9. Increases employee satisfaction
  10. Reduces work-related stress, resulting in fewer sick days
  11. Helps retain skilled staff and reduce recruitment costs.

Did any of these statements garner conflicting responses? If so, return to these statements and open up discussion on the different perspectives offered.

Next, come up with at least one more statement on the benefits of inclusion from your team.

Make a note of your statement(s) as these will be shared with the group when we return to the Main Room.


Agree or disagree with each of the following statements  - discuss areas where opinions differ.

By visibly enhancing diversity and inclusion and by developing understanding within staff, the following will be conveyed to audiences:

  1. They are not defined or limited by a singular "label"
  2. They are valued and visible
  3. They are supported
  4. They can place their trust in us
  5. They can see us as social investors and can confidently recommend us 


The majority of us agree on the value of inclusion and endeavour to create a welcoming, supportive environment where everyone belongs. 

It is natural to have concerns about saying or doing the wrong thing, of perhaps unintentionally neglecting a colleague, so please share your thoughts on the following questions:

  • Are there any specific worries that you have regarding disability inclusion within your current role?
  • What advice can the others offer? 

Remember that this is a safe, supportive and nurturing space where we can share our thoughts candidly without fear of judgement. This part of the discussion won't be shared when we return to the Main Room.
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