Breakout 1:
The Value of Fair Treatment Volunteers
Breakout 2: Knowledge, Skills and Experience
Breakout 3:
Supporting & Signposting
Breakout 4: Supporting & Signposting Practice
You have both scored from 0 to 10 how carefree you feel in various areas of your (working) life (0 = feeling caged and restricted and 10 = free as a bird):
4.Work environment
7.Line Manager
8.Level of autonomy
The person who woke up latest today will be the client and the one who woke earliest will be the coach.
Coach - You may focus on one particular area or support your colleague more broadly. The session should be guided by what the colleague (client) wishes to talk about.
You may, however, highlight the areas which were scored lowest and ask the colleague which of these would be worth exploring.
Some suggested questions are given below, to prompt you in your role as a Fair Treatment Volunteer/Coach.
2. What was different when you were higher up the scale?
3. What was actually happening when you were higher up the scale?
4. Have you ever been lower than the number you have recorded?
5. What did you do to move up the scale?
6. What have you learnt from previously being lower on the scale?
7. What number on the scale do you want to be?
8. What actions can you take to start moving up the scale?
9. If you moved up the scale, what will be happening to tell you that you have arrived at that number?
10. What would need to happen for you to move up one point on the scale by this time next week?
11. What might affect you moving up the scale?
12. What can you do to overcome this obstacle – how can you prepare?
Additional questions that could be asked include:
What is the challenge?
•What is one specific challenge that you are facing right now?
•How is this issue affecting your wellbeing?
•Can you describe the emotion that this challenge evokes?
•What do you currently do to take care of your mental and physical wellbeing?
What do you want?
•What would be your ideal outcome?
•How will your life be better when you have overcome this challenge?
•If anything, what have you done to overcome this challenge?
•What might be stopping you from achieving this goal?
Identifying Options – Sample Questions
What specifically have you done so far? What worked and what didn’t?
What do you have already (eg. skills and resources) that could move you forwards?
What research could you do to help you find the first (or next) step?
What do you need to do before you do anything else?
Who else could you ask for help in achieving your goal?
If you were at your best, what would you do right now?
What would you do if you were an expert in (the area of your goal/problem)?
What would you advise your best friend to do if they were in your situation?
What would your best friend advise you to do?
What would (someone who inspires you) do in your situation?
If you had a choice what would you do?
What if you had as much time as you needed?
What if money were not an issue?
Imagine you’re fully confident in your abilities, what could you do?
Imagine you’re fully confident that others will support you. Now what could you do?
What other angles and options have you not thought of yet?
What is an impossible option?
What is the decision you have been avoiding?
If you (secretly) knew the answer to getting unstuck, what would that be?
Taking Action – Making it Fun
What would be the smallest or easiest first step for you?
Which options or actions grab you?
How could you make the tasks/actions more enjoyable or fun?
Who else could help you in completing your action/s?
What’s one action you could take in the next 10 minutes?
What are three actions you could take that would make sense this week?
Let’s imagine you have found a magic lamp. You pick it up and absent-mindedly begin to stroke it. What’s that? I think it’s talking! Now, as you listen, I wonder what action it tells you to take?
Now choose your first action: Make a note of this now.
When specifically will you do your action? Include the day AND time: Make a note of this now.
On a scale of 1 to 10, how likely are you to complete this action?
- If it’s below an 8, consider what is stopping you from completing this action and make this your first action.