Receptive/Expressive Communication Activity

The person whose first name is first alphabetically will be the leader of this activity.

Your leader will decide who will be Speaker A and who will be Speaker B.

Your leader will guide you through each part of the activity, following the instructions below.

  • In a moment, SPEAKER A is going to talk for one minute about their weekend and SPEAKER B is just going to listen.
  • OK – off you go [1 minute].
  • And stop!
  • How did that feel? Easy? Good!
  • Now, SPEAKER B is going to talk about their weekend for one minute. BUT they are not allowed to use any words containing the letter ‘e’.
  • Ready? Off you go! [1 minute].
  • And stop!
  • How did that feel? 
  • Were you able to speak as fluently as your partner? 
  • How did that make you feel? 
  • SPEAKER A - how did it feel listening as your partner was struggling to put their thoughts into words? Frustrating? Annoying?
What is the purpose of this exercise? 
How might it relate to your role? 

Additional Discussion Topics

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