Case Studies (Disability)
For each of the following case studies, consider what reasonable adjustments the school could make to ensure that there is no discrimination.
Consider the adjustments that may be required both in and outside of the classroom. These could relate to the school site, extra- curricular trips and activities, homework, examinations, and daily lesson activities.
1. Student A (year 8) has a vision impairment. They have limited distance vision and their sight can deteriorate in bright light. They are better at seeing bold colours against a pale background. Small print (less than 16) can cause headaches and fatigue.
2. Student B (year 11) has severe hearing loss. They have a cochlear implant (an electronic device to help process sound) and a hearing aid. They are studying for nine GCSEs including French. The geography department have planned a field trip for next term, which will involve interviewing members of the public and attending a study centre for a lecture.
3. Student C (year 9) has chronic fatigue syndrome and finds moving around a split-site school tiring. They can become very fatigued, especially towards the end of the school day. They sometimes miss part or all of period five lesson as a result. However, they are still very keen to participate in a school history trip to the Somme region of France.
4. Student D (year 10) has moderate dyslexia. They find it difficult to read text on white paper and need to reread blocks of text several times before they can comprehend it. They often struggle to complete classwork. Their verbal contributions show good understanding, but their written responses can appear as if produced by a younger pupil.
5. Student E (year 7) has a recent diagnosis of autistic spectrum disorder. They have adapted well to school rules and routines, but they find the unstructured parts of the school day difficult. They can become visibly upset in lessons when there is a lot of noise and/or when asked a question. They are not coping well with homework.
6. Student F (year 10) has a recent diagnosis of Attention Deficit Disorder. They are often inattentive and can find it difficult to concentrate on any task. They frequently do not have the correct equipment for lessons and/or forgets homework. They can sometimes become aggressive when challenged and this can disturb other students.
7. Student G (year 10) has recently re-started the academic year, having fallen significantly behind their peers. They can be uncooperative and uncommunicative. They dislike writing and regularly forget to bring equipment to lessons. Homework is rarely completed. Parents report that they are very low in mood and school attendance has been poor in the past.
8. Student H (year 7)
has had a difficult start to the new term. They are disorganised, frequently become lost around school and are regularly late for lessons. They struggle to change back into their uniform after PE. The Dance department has raised concerns about coordination of movement. The student has very poor handwriting and appears not to follow instructions well.
Staff Case Studies (Disability)