Discussion Topics

Neurodiversity within Policing, Prisons and Probation

  • Avoid specific reference to names when using examples
  • Please make sure that all voices are heard

Behaviours, Challenges and Strengths Discussion

  1. The person born earliest in the year will be the facilitator
  2. The facilitator will decide on a speaker who will feedback to the whole group, when we return to the Main Room

Think about one of your service users or a colleague and the types of behaviours, challenges and strengths that they exhibit.  

1. Have you encountered neurodivergent people and those with Specific Learning Differences professionally? 

2. What challenges might they be facing? 

3. If at all, in what ways do you adapt your approach to these people?

4. Where have you witnessed challenging behaviour or difficult communication which may be a result of a neurodivergence? 

5. Did you feel equipped to deal with the situation?

6. Is there anything that you would have liked to have done better?

Managing Anxiety Discussion


1. What are the biggest causes of anxiety for those in your profession? 
2. How do you currently manage your anxiety? 
3. How to you feel when you are misunderstood?
4. Have you ever felt that your knowledge or skills were undervalued?
5. What strategies do you currently employ to motivate and encourage staff, colleagues, clients, family or friends?


• What are the biggest causes of anxiety for service users? 
• How can you actively reduce the anxiety of those in your care? 

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