LGBTQ+ Awareness, Allyship, Action!
Discuss in your teams and
Match terms with definitions. For example, 1D, 2H, 3M
4.Gender critical
5.Gender fluid
6.Gender reassignment
7.Gender Recognition Certificate (GRC)
A. Using incorrect pronouns or forms of address.
B. Natural variation where sex may not be strictly male or female.
C. Using someone's birth name after they have changed it.
D. Having a flexible gender identity.
E. Biological or legal category assigned as male or female.
F. Identifying with the gender assigned at birth.
G. Words used instead of a name, like he/him, she/her, or they/them.
H. Acronym for diverse gender and sexual orientations.
I. Umbrella term for those whose gender differs from assigned sex.
J. Document to legally change sex in England and Wales.
K. Process of changing attributes to align with one's gender. Not restricted to medical transition.
L. Belief that biological sex is separate from gender identity.
M. A person's sense of self as a man, woman, non-binary, or other gender.
N. Gender identity outside the male/female binary.
O. Gender identity not matching assigned sex at birth.
Activity Two:
Practical Application
Your facilitator will guide you through the Case Study below and each of the following questions.
Case Study
A valued member of the Council, Jak, has recently disclosed, with the support of HR, that they are transgender and that they identify with She/Her pronouns. They have requested that clients and colleagues are given this new information, when necessary. Jak’s direct manager sends out an All-Staff email in which an announcement is made to the whole company. Not only that but the email repeatedly misgenders Jak, including phrases such as, “Jack has asked me to let you know he is no longer male, and he will only respond to female pronouns.”
Jak is distressed by this “outing” and misgendering but her Manager tells her not to be overly sensitive, and that it was just a simple, honest mistake; that they were “maybe” being a little bit clumsy with their choice of words and they meant no harm. This situation is brought to your attention.